Apsara Arts
My Home is My Island, Covid-19 Stories (MHIMI)
The Covid-19 crisis has impacted us all. It has changed the way we live and the things we do on a daily basis. MHIMI project explored a variety of experiences during lockdown when people were confined to their homes. The interviews were conducted either socially distanced or on Zoom. Participants were from all walks of life and their ages ranged from 10 to 80. There were many stories covering experiences and emotions that were universal – mental health, isolation, bereavement, the joy of a new baby, rediscovering hobbies, finding new interests and much more.
The lockdown also inspired two ten year olds to write poems expressing their vision of the world.
The stories were culminated into 24 short films giving a snapshot of life in pandemic.
Sunflower spreading Love
A story of how sharing sunflower seeds brought a neighbourhood together during lockdown.
Covid Crows
Watching crows building a nest over a period of time inspired Artist Karen to take her time creating new work whilst supporting her mental health.
“My home feels like a prison”
The loneliness felt by teenager Jeeya, remembering a place where she could sit and talk with her friends.
A journey of a dancer discovering the joy of gardening during lockdown.
A vibrant 80 year old, Ilaben, tells how she spent her days singing, practising zoom yoga, and painting. An inspiration to us all.
Hawo Patel, a Croydon bus driver, shares her experience of being a Front line worker whilst trying to keep her family safe.
Over-coming Challenges
Varsha rediscovering her talent and confidence in taking on new challenges and finding ways to 'calm' her.
Looking good, feeling good
Raffat’s moto of keeping busy and looking after her mental health during lockdown.
Rediscovering an old Indian Kitchen gadget for making ‘Sev’ (Indian noddles) revives Shila’s interest in making homemade tasty snacks.
Young dancer Tanusha reciting her poetry of lockdown experience.
Young Diya using her drawing to express of going out with her parents during Covid crisis.
A lockdown project of recycling and creating a purple dress re energised Sarah to take on more creative projects.
Mental Health
Sarah shares her experience of lockdown, triggering her mental health issues and finding her coping mechanism.
A New Way of Learning
Kinari talks about balancing her teaching jobs with volunteering and online cooking lessons.
Sachi found a negative and a positive side that the pandemic created.
Natalie’s tribute to her Mum.
Life must go on
A very different welcome in to the world for baby Kaiya.
Leah’s Story
So what was a teen life during lockdown? - Leah sharing her experience.
Natalie talks about her bereavement and how she has coped with the loss of her Mum.
A different Ramadan celebration in lockdown.
A new world
A busy mother juggling moving house, working from home, educating her child.
Celebrating Navratri Festival 2020
Four young girls creating their own little celebration.
The lockdown experience inspired 10 year old Kalan to write his feelings about lockdown in a poem.
Komal shares her stressful experience of arranging her wedding during the Covid-19 restrictions.
A sincere thank you to all the participants for sharing your experiences.
Raffat Siddique; Karen Barnett; Hawo Patel; Ila J Patel; Jeeya Patel; Varsha Shah; Leah Finnigan; Shila Kotecha; Sarah Dean; Hemali Shah; Natalie Pinto; Sherali Finnigan; Kalan Sharma; Tanusha Patel-Hellyer; Sachi Vyas; Diya Shah; Komal Malde; Kinari Shah; Veidehi Patel; Tania Rahman
Also, thanks to the Museum of Croydon team - Marie Tulley-Rose, Mandy Smith & Ben Szüts - for their support.
Malti Patel