Exotic Jewels

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I learnt that Claudia and Asifa had found a unique way to direct their creative energy during the winter months. They setup Exotic Jewels which is a business selling pieces made from recycled and repurposed materials, combining their love for Bollywood, drag and pop culture.

The following earrings were an acquisition for this project in July 2020.


Asifa & Claudia Lahore are the brains behind Exotic Jewels, designing and making in Croydon, London, UK.

Jewellery making began as a form of self care for Claudia and through such crafting, Exotic Jewels evolved from a hobby to combat Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.) into a project with sustainability at its heart.

Creating beautiful pieces from pre-loved materials is both a challenge and a passion. Asifa and Claudia design each piece together taking inspiration from their loves of drag and pop culture and fascination with Bollywood, which Claudia then brings to life.

Each jewel is created using recycled and repurposed materials; the Drag Fan Earrings are created from recycled metals and repurposed tee shirts.


Jewellery making is a passion for Asifa and Claudia and through Exotic Jewels they have created a small business which has allowed them to develop their voice as transgender artists.

Asifa can be seen wearing a pair of these earrings in her video which can be seen here.

You can view more designs and purchase your very own exotic jewels here!